Bug and Proposal: stride()

Issue #51 resolved
Xinqiu Yao created an issue

I got following warning message from calling stride()

pdb <- read.pdb("1tag")
sse <- stride(pdb)
#Warning message:
#In stride(pdb) : NAs introduced by coercion

But went well with dssp():

sse2 <- dssp(pdb)

Another issue is the inconsistency of returned class by dssp() and stride()



Propose to return as "sse" class for both function. Accordingly, update print.dssp() to print.sse()

Comments (9)

  1. Barry Grant

    Yes this would be good. Also I would like to see some consistency with the $helix and $sheet returned from read.pdb() when the input file has these REMARK sections. Note that there is no $length in the pdb versions currently. Not a big deal but could catch someone out later - most likely me!

    Note that for vignettes etc. it would be best to take the sse from the pdb as then we done force a user to have dssp or stride installed...

  2. Xinqiu Yao reporter

    How about returning pdb$sse by read.pdb(), where pdb$sse has the same attributes to "sse" object but data extracted from PDB file directly?

  3. Lars Skjærven

    On line 112 in plot.dccm2() we could then change



     sse$helix$end - sse$helix$start +1

    so that we can provide a pdb object as input to argument sse for that funtion. I'll add that unless you're editing this file already.

  4. Barry Grant

    I am not a big fan of this idea. I like keeping it simple with e.g.

    plot.bio3d(x, sse=pdb)

    I don't think we need, or want, to make the pdb version consistent in every way with the dssp and stride results as we don't want to waist time with $phi $acc etc. I guess just a $length is all that I would add to the pdb $helix and $sheet for now.

  5. Xinqiu Yao reporter

    phi and acc are kind of problems for pdb$sse idea (maybe just NULL in this case). But I agree that currently we should focus on essential update and maybe leave the consistent check later.

  6. Barry Grant

    Hi Lars, there is a catch for the missing $length in my last commit and I moved plot.dccm2() to plot.dccm() so hopefully this should work with just a plot(cm, sse=pdb).

    Unfortunately, there is a strange diagonal band of white that appears with your example 1C (see below) that may be related to smoothing???

    pdb.full <- read.pdb("1sx4")
    pdb.open <- trim.pdb(pdb.full, atom.select(pdb.full, chain = "A")) 
    modes <- nma(pdb.open)
    cm <- dccm(modes)
    plot(cm, sse=pdb.open, contour=F)
    # Annoying white band on diag
    plot(cm, sse=pdb.open, contour=F, col.regions=bwr.colors(10))

    On a related note I was looking at ggplot2 again earlier and I like its various grid based options for adding layers to a plot and being able to edit them after. I think this might be the best way to go in the future for such plots that demand extensive annotation.

  7. Lars Skjærven

    I still get this error at line 125 in the vignette when calling plot.dccm() with sse=pdb.

    > plot(cm, sse=pdb.open, contour=F)
    Error in unit(length - 0.5, "native") : 
      'x' and 'units' must have length > 0

    I also see this diagonal white stripe and two vertical white stripes at position ~420 and ~510. hmm...

  8. Barry Grant

    I forgot to push the commit that fixed the missing sse$length from pdb fix - should be there now. The white line on the diag is related to the smoothing done in the contourplot() function. I still have not had a change to look into and fix this. Sorry. Generally I am getting fed up with lattice and am considering switching to ggplot2 for these kind of plots...

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