Categories of the functions

Issue #56 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

On this page the functions are listed under subsections e.g. "Input/output", "Analysis" etc. As the package is growing I think we need categories that makes it easier for users to navigate and search through the myriad of functions. Could we try to make a set of "new" categories? (e.g. NMA, PCA, ..) not sure, but we should see if we could organize it better somehow.

does these topic / sections on the index.html page reflect the keyword in the Rd files?

Comments (2)

  1. Barry Grant

    I agree.

    By default the function listing will be ordered by the Rd \keyword{} (as they are indexed in the back for package manual also). However, we chose to order them in this way and should now add more categories as you suggest.

    We should also add google analytics to these files so we can see whats popular or if they are being used atoll. These docs live in bio3d/ver_devel /html_doc/ and Xinqiu has a generate script here bio3d/ver_devel /util/run_staticdocs.r

    I think we can also change the css to match whatever new website option we go for - I think they may be jekyll based also???

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