pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch") not work

Issue #574 resolved
Cheng created an issue

I am following

Everything is fine until:

pymol.dccm(ccij, pdb, type="launch") Error in pymol.dccm(ccij, pdb, type = "launch") : Launching external program failed make sure 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe' is in your search path In addition: Warning message: running command 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe -cq' had status 127

Then I tried below but still no pymol displayed

pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='path/to/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe', launch=TRUE) PyMOL script written to file

So how to visualise it using pymol in R?

Comments (8)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    launch=TRUE style is obsolete. Use type='launch' instead. Also, make sure 'path/to'pymol2' is replaced with the actual path to your Pymol executable.

  2. Cheng reporter

    The problem is still there. Do I need to change the "search path"?

    pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='E:/OneDrive/LSLB/software/Protein_Modelling/PyMOL - PDB/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe', type="launch") Error in pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile = "E:/OneDrive/LSLB/software/Protein_Modelling/PyMOL - PDB/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe", : Launching external program failed make sure 'E:/OneDrive/LSLB/software/Protein_Modelling/PyMOL - PDB/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe' is in your search path In addition: Warning message: running command 'E:/OneDrive/LSLB/software/Protein_Modelling/PyMOL - PDB/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe -cq' had status 127

  3. Cheng reporter

    Thank you very much, Removing space in the path works fine now!

    How about updating the "pymol.dccm(ccij, pdb, type="launch")" to "pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, exefile='path/to/PyMOLWin.exe', type="launch")" in the tutorial website?

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