cannot install MUSCLE, netcdf, and dssp on mac

Issue #615 resolved
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For some reason I cannot install MUSCLE, netcdf, and dssp on mac as suggested in I've got the following info when trying to install MUSCLE using brew install homebrew/science/muscle: "Error: homebrew/science was deprecated. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated."

Any suggestion to install MUSCLE on Mac OSX El Capitan 10.11

my email is :

My name is : Abel Gomes

Comments (3)

  1. Barry Grant

    First you will need to download the appropriate version of the muscle multiple alignment program from:

    Side-Note: For Mac you will most likely want the Intel i86 64 bit version unless you are on a particularly old laptop.

    On MAC: After downloading MUSCLE, it should be unzipped and renamed to just “muscle”. If you are on Mac you can move this file to a directory such as “/usr/local/bin/”

    The easiest way to do this on Mac or Linux is to use the Terminal/Shell in your RStudio. At the shell prompt issue the following commands:

     tar -xvf ~/Downloads/muscle3.8.31_i86darwin32.tar
     sudo mv muscle3.8.31_i86darwin32 /usr/local/bin/muscle

    If you now type muscle in your terminal you should see the help splash screen for the MUSCLE program.

    On WINDOWS: After downloading MUSCLE, it should be moved to your RStudio project directory and renamed to muscle.exe. Use your windows file explorer to move the downloadedmuscle3.8.31_i86win32.exe from your Downloads folder via copy and paste to your Project folder. Then right click to rename to muscle.exe

    In your RStudio Terminal you should now be able to run the following without error:

     muscle.exe -version

    If you want to use muscle in future projects then you will want to add the muscle.exe to your Windows’ system PATH. To do this adapt the instructions listed here:

    Hope this helps!

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