Shannon entropy Score: offset of x-axis

Issue #620 resolved
George Tzotzos created an issue

Following the instructions given in:

Given that my alignment dimensions are: 9 sequence rows; 143 position columns (112 non-gap, 31 gap) and

length(con$seq) [1] 143

I've set: barplot(H, border="white", ylab = "Entropy", space=0, xlim=c(0.0, 143.0),yaxt="n" ) and axis(side=3, at=(seq(0,length(con$seq),by=5)-0.5), labels=seq(0,length(con$seq),by=5))

For plot2 the axis is set as: axis(side=3, at=c(1:length(con$seq)), labels =con$seq)

I'm attaching the generated image where it can be seen that the x-axis of the barplot is not the same as the x-axis of the image.

I experimented by changing the offset from -0.5 to different values to no avail.

Any suggestions as to the origin of the problem would be most useful.

Thank you in advance


Comments (3)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Try to narrow the "xlim" range in the barplot, too, in addition to adjusting the offset of axis ticks. It should help align them better.

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