dccm.nma with multicore on OS X

Issue #63 resolved
Lars Skjærven created an issue

I'm experiencing some strange behavior for this function when ncore > 1. Any idea what this can be?

>      cm <- dccm.nma(modes, ncore=4)
Loading required package: multicore
Tcl_WaitForEvent: Notifier not initialized
Tcl_WaitForEvent: Notifier not initialized
Tcl_WaitForEvent: Notifier not initialized
Tcl_WaitForEvent: Notifier not initialized
Error: dims [product 16641] do not match the length of object [0]

>      cm <- dccm.nma(modes, ncore=1)
  |======================================================================| 100%

Comments (6)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    It is weired. I can get through with my example pdb "1tag". Can you give me the pdb id you used to get modes? Then I can try under similar conditions.

  2. Xinqiu Yao

    I tried it on a Mac OS X and got the same errors you posted. However, I only got it once and couldn't repeat the error with exactly the same commands! Do you repeatedly get the same errors with the same command and OS? It is potentially a bug but is difficult to fix if we cannot reproduce the error...

  3. Barry Grant

    I just tried this one hundred times with altering ncore values on my mac (OSX 10.9, R 3.02, bio3d 2.0-1) and did not see any error reported.

    I have therefore downgraded priority, but kept open - please upgrade if this reoccurs...

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