Error Loading DCD file

Issue #635 resolved
Noah created an issue

Hi all,

I am new user to Bio3d and am trying to do some contact network analysis. I having an issue loading in a dcd file into Bio3d. After using VMD to create the initial DCD file, I attempted to load my DCD file into Bio3d and I have attached the DCD file here. After reading out an initial summary

" NATOM = 5139 NFRAME= 1 ISTART= 0 last = 1 nstep = 1 nfile = 1 NSAVE = 1 NDEGF = 0 version 24 Reading (x100)"

I receive the error "Error in txtProgressBar(1, nframes, style = 3) : must have 'max' > 'min.'" Additionally a warning message appears stating "In dcd.header(trj, verbose) : Check DCD header data is correct, particulary natom."

I read the thread in issue #291 and was not able to solve the problem.

Thank you all for taking the time to help!

Best, Noah

Comments (4)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    Thanks for spotting it. It is an error related to just the display of a progress bar. It should be overcome by setting verbose=FALSE.

    The warning indicates that the header of the DCD file might no be in a proper format (missing a title for example). Double check if the number of atoms and first a few coordinates are correct. If so, you can safely ignore the warning.

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