BUG?: nma.pdbs with non-default force field

Issue #68 resolved
Xinqiu Yao created an issue
modes <- nma.pdbs(pdbs, fit=TRUE, full=TRUE, rm.gaps=TRUE, ff="sdenm")
#Error in eigen(H, symmetric = TRUE) : infinite or missing values in 'x'

Btw, I found that sometimes the coupling of neighboring residues predicted by the default (calpha) force field can be very weak, causing unexpected broken in the correlation network between nodes connected by protein chain. I also found ff "sdenm" generally predicts stronger coupling for neighboring residues, and so I would like to test it on the network analysis.

Comments (9)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    hmm.. any non-standard residues in there? sdENM has the limitation that it's only parameterized for the standard residues...

  2. Lars Skjærven

    you're right. it is abug. looking into it now. but in addition you need standard amino acid identifiers

  3. Xinqiu Yao reporter

    I corrected but error is still there...

    aa <- c("A","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","K","L","M","N","P","Q","R","S","T","V","W","Y")
    all(pdbs$ali[!is.gap(pdbs$ali)] %in% aa)
    #[1] TRUE
    all(pdbs$resid[!is.gap(pdbs$resid)] %in% aa123(aa))
    #[1] TRUE
    modes <- nma.pdbs(pdbs, fit=TRUE, full=TRUE, rm.gaps=TRUE, ff="sdenm")
    #Error in eigen(H, symmetric = TRUE) : infinite or missing values in 'x'

    Any idea?

  4. Lars Skjærven

    I pushed a fix for load.enmff.R now. somehow this was only a problem when rm.gaps=T used through pdbs.nma().

  5. Xinqiu Yao reporter

    Yes, it is error only with rm.gaps=TRUE. Any way to fix it? Since I still get error after updating to the latest commit of bio3d:

    modes <- nma.pdbs(pdbs, fit=TRUE, full=TRUE, rm.gaps=TRUE, ff="sdenm")
    Error in solve.default(hess[inds.exc.xyz, inds.exc.xyz]) : 
      system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 5.39083e-21
  6. Lars Skjærven

    Found the real bug this time :) try again please. The error occurred since I forgot to send the protein sequence to build.hessian from within nma.pdbs.

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