network plot

Issue #693 resolved
Aiswarya Pawar created an issue


I have a protein with two domains, so i successfully performed the cna(). But the network plot i got looks skewed.

Basically i cant use interactive=TRUE in the plot command and am not able to highlight the domains which are important

for my study. Are there any ways to represent the network in a better way, the same as your papers show.

I have attached the network plot.

i have used following commands.

ca.inds <-, "calpha")
trj <- read.ncdf("", at.sel=ca.inds,first=300, last=500, stride=2)
cm <,dcut=10,pcut=0.75, grpby = pdb$atom[ca.inds$atom,'resno'])
xyz <-$xyz,mobile=dcd, fixed.inds=ca.inds$xyz,mobile.inds=ca.inds$xyz)
net <- cna(cij,cm=cm)

Comments (3)

  1. Aiswarya Pawar reporter

    Also i would like to know what are the commands to be given for different colors for the weight of the edges.

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