muscle alignment

Issue #729 new
Former user created an issue

When using the command pdbaln the following message error appears

Error in seqaln(s, id = files, ...) : You do not have muscle installed/working locally on your machine. We can attempt to use the EBI webserver if you provide an email address (required by the EBI). Please note that the EBI states (see their Terms of Use): 'Using fake e-mail address may result in your jobs being killed and your IP, Organisation or entire domain being black-listed.'

I have put my muscle program on my $PATH and created the alias "muscle", but the error message keeps appearing. Could you tell me where your command is looking for muscle, or what alias I should be using to refer the program? Alternatively, where should I provide my email to attempt the use of EBI webserver.

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Check bio3d version and see if it is the latest (2.4-1).

    What OS are you using? If Linux, start a terminal and type muscle to see if the command is recognized.

    Or, try seqaln(…, exefile='/path/to/muscle') to specify the path manually.

    If use EBI, try web.args=list(email='user_id@email.provider').

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