pdbaln throws an error with specific PDB, cif or xml files

Issue #735 new
Matthew Watson created an issue

I have been trying to use ICA and PCA on a small set (three members) of large (Ribosomal) complexes.

I first tried to load the files from PDBs but obtained the following error

Warning messages:
1: In read.pdb(files[i]) : duplicated element numbers ('eleno') detected
2: In read.pdb(files[i]) : duplicated element numbers ('eleno') detected
3: In read.pdb(files[i], verbose = FALSE, ...) :
duplicated element numbers ('eleno') detected
4: In read.pdb(files[i], verbose = FALSE, ...) :
duplicated element numbers ('eleno') detected

I established that one of the files could be loaded individually as a PDB while the other two returned the same error.

I read that a similar issue had been due to the mixture of upper and lowercase chain IDs in files but that using cif or xml files could get around this issue.

Hence, I tried to load the files as cifs, but this returned the following error

Error in .read_pdb(file, multi = multi, hex = hex, maxlines = maxlines, :
Could not convert string to double (" ? -52.0")

I tried from xml files but obtained the error

Error in matrix(if (is.null(value)) logical() else value, nrow = nr, dimnames = list(rn, :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent

I have attached the cif files

What should I do?

Comments (5)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    I can read all the three files. What version of bio3d do you use? (Type sessionInfo() to check). Maybe you need to update to the latest version, 2.4-1.

  2. Matthew Watson reporter

    I updated to the latest version, although the files will are read the same error is returned as before when trying to use pdbaln and subsequently perform ICA

  3. Xinqiu Yao

    Try to build a pdb list object and then call pdbaln(). For example,

    pdblist <- lapply(c("5nco", "5gae", "4v6m"), read.cif)
    pdbs <- pdbaln(pdblist)

    Please check carefully if the alignment and other attributes look okay. I didn’t test extensively.

  4. Matthew Watson reporter

    It gets as far as finding the ICA now OK, but returns the following error at this step

    xyz <- pdbfit( pdbs, core.inds, outpath = "C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/YEG_RIBO")
    Note: Accessing on-line PDB file
    Error in read.pdb(full.files[i], ...) : Error in reading PDB file 1
    In addition: Warning messages:
    1: In download.file(get.files[k], put.files[k], quiet = !verbose) :
    cannot open URL 'https://files.rcsb.org/download/seq1.pdb': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
    2: In file.remove(put.files[k]) :
    cannot remove file 'C:\Users\FBSMAW~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpslkw2Q/seq1.pdb', reason 'No such file or directory'
    3: In get.pdb(file, path = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE) :
    Some files could not be downloaded, check returned value

    However, trying
    pca(pdbs, core.find=TRUE, fit=FALSE)

    did generate something without throwing an error but the parts of the complex in which I was particularly interested had been omitted.

  5. Matthew Watson reporter

    I’m having a somewhat similar issue with pdbaln on a list of locally saved PDB files
    myfiles <- list.files(path="C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder", pattern=".pdb", full.names=TRUE)

    pdbs<- pdbaln(myfiles, fit=TRUE)

    Reading PDB files:
    C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder/pro_2zjs.pdb
    C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder/pro_2zqp.pdb
    C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder/pro_3bo0.pdb
    C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder/pro_3bo1.pdb
    C:/Users/fbsmawadmin/Desktop/ongoing work/RNC_insertion/PyMOL/all_domain_Sec/various/translocons_only/New folder/pro_3din.pdb

    Extracting sequences
    MUSCLE v3.8.31 by Robert C. Edgar

    Error in read.fasta.pdb(s, prefix = "", pdbext = "", pdblist = files, :
    No corresponding PDB files found

    Any ideas?

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