PCA analysis (genration of blue red and white colored residues motion in pdb file)

Issue #784 new
Armi Chaudhary created an issue

hello team,

I had followed the trajectory analysis within BIO3D and successfully finished it for my trajectory.

While performing pca with following commands. i am getting the attached graph. and when I visualize the pdb file generated from mktrj function it shows all residues in while color. where in tutorial there is BLUE RED and white color is shown for HIV protease(hicpc1.png) . in plotted graph there is all blue white and red points then in pdb why it is only in white?

how to generate that different color motion graph.

pc <- pca.xyz(xyz[,casc.local.inds$xyz])
plot(pc, col=bwr.colors(nrow(xyz)) )

p1 <- mktrj.pca(pc, pc=1, b=pc$au[,1], file="pc1.pdb")
p2 <- mktrj.pca(pc, pc=2, b=pc$au[,2], file="pc2.pdb")

Comments (6)

  1. Armi Chaudhary reporter

    i think this image can be taken through ncdf file. but in Linux ubuntu this package is not installing please guide me with this?

  2. Xinqiu Yao


    The PCA results you showed look weird. Did you fit structures properly? You might want to fix this issue first before moving on.

    The hivp figure was generated with VMD. You can find more detail about how to use the software from their website:


  3. Armi Chaudhary reporter

    blacked colored image in where colored loop structure is shown that image i tool in discovery studio. and I fit structure with fit xyz command.

  4. Barry Grant

    Agree that something looks off in your analysis that you want to check first. However, to color like the second figure you will want to just select “color by B-factor” in VMD or whatever viewer you are using as that that is where you have mapped the residue wise loadings (i.e. how much each residue contributes to the PC).

    Good luck!

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