Fail to read system file

Issue #792 new
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Hi, I am trying to read a pdb and dcd files with:

library(bio3d) library(igraph) pdbfile <- system.file("path_to_file/file.pdb", package = "bio3d") pdb <- read.pdb(pdbfile) Error in read.pdb(pdbfile) : No input PDB file found: check filename

when I try:

pdbfile I get: [1] ""

For the dcd file the I obtain the same. These files were created by cpptraj (AMBER). Could you help me solve this issue? Thank you very much.

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    If you were reading your own files, you should not use “system.file()”. Instead, read the file directly. For example,

    pdb <- read.pdb("path_to_file/file.pdb")

    system.file() is called only to demonstrate examples using files shipped with the package.

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