RMSD: fit = T or fit = F?

Issue #803 resolved
NANCY D'ARMINIO created an issue

Hello, I’m using the RMSD function to calculate the RMSD between two ligands. I’m analizing two pdb files containing the protein and the ligand. I’m also comparing results obtained from R with the ones from Discovery and I got different values. More specifically, for the first ligand, I I used fit = F and the result was near to the one from Discovery (using fit = T results are completely different). For the second ligand, instead, the situation is on the opposite side, fit = T is similar to Discovery and fit = F is far. I’ve read that “fit” applies Kabsch algorithm, but how I can understand when applying it or not? I have to calculate RMSD on large scale and I can’t do it on Discovery manually. Thank you!

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    In principle, you should alway fit structures before calculating RMSD. How to fit exactly (e.g., based on C-alpha or all-heavy atoms, what reference to choose, etc.) is of course dependent on the specific question. But remember, rmsd() returns a result for whatever you used for fitting. So, for example, if you want to fit the structures based protein C-alpha atoms and want to calculate RMSD of ligands, then a better solution would be calling fit.xyz() for fitting first and use the result to call rmsd() with fit=FALSE . For example,

    b.fitted <- fit.xyz(a, b, ca.inds.a, ca.inds.b)
    rmsd(a, b.fitted, lig.inds.a, lig.inds.b, fit=FALSE)

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