how to remove non C-alpha atoms from dcd file.

Issue #836 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi bio3D developers,

in the secontion ( Network generation from molecular dynamics data) of Protein Structure Networks with Bio3D ( " To reduce file size and speed up example execution, non C-alpha atoms have been previously removed ". this indicates that you kow how to remove non C-alpha atoms from dcd file.

Since my protein have 1050 resiudes ( microseconds trajectory ), I can not do Network analysis from molecular dynamics data. Could you tell how to remove non C-alpha atoms from dcd file, and get the dcd file with C-alpha atoms?

(it is time consuming for me to do Protein Structure Networks with Bio3D. I spent more than two hours on my protein (single strucuture) to genenrate structure networks. Only one CUP was used. If multi-CPU are used, it should be faster. )

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    You need a PDB that matches the DCD trajectory. Then, you can pick up all C-alpha atoms by creating an ‘’ object based on the PDB and use that object to choose a subset of the trajectory. For example,

    ## 'top.pdb' is a PDB file that matches the trajectory exactly
    ##  (i.e., they have the same number and order of atoms)
    pdb <- read.pdb('top.pdb')
    trj <- read.dcd('traj.dcd')
    ca.inds <-, 'calpha')
    ca.coord <- trj[, ca.inds$xyz]

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