Coupling between communities

Issue #892 new
rui wang created an issue

Hello Bio3D team,I have a question about the coupling between communities.How to use legend, numerical or other evidence to verify that the coupling between the two communities is stronger?For example: How to explain that the coupling between community 2 and community 5 is stronger?

Comments (5)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    It depends on what type of network you have built (correlation network or the conventional “dynamical network”). If it is purely correlation, the weight of the community network should give you the correlation strength. You can easily access the weight by looking at the structure of net$ or net$community.cij.

  2. rui wang reporter

    Hello Mr. Yao, if it is a correlation network generated from molecular dynamics data

    1.Is there a negative correlation between communities?

    2. How are weights compared between communities?

    3. My system has 1312 amino acids, how do I highlight the important communities in the generated community?

  3. Xinqiu Yao
    1. If you used Pearson’s correlation, then yes it can be negative.
    2. One way is to compare the absolute value of the maximal correlation between communities.
    3. I don’t understand the question. What do you mean by “highlighting”?

  4. wr

    Mr. Yao, how do you compare the remnants in the same community? Are the residues that fall in the same community the most coupled?

  5. wr

    Hello, Yao, highlighting means to generate a community map from the network through the trajectory in the example. how to highlight two or more communities with strong coupling in the same color?

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