PCA Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) approach is faster and is recommended (set 'use.svd = TRUE')

Issue #906 new
imren bayil created an issue

I want to analysis pca

pc <- pca.xyz(xyz[,sel.ins$xyz]) I am getting this error

NOTE: In input xyz (MxN), N > 3000 and M < N
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) approach is faster
and is recommended (set 'use.svd = TRUE') I dont why I am getting this error

Comments (7)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    This is not an error, just a suggestion. You should get the result anyway, but if it takes too long, you may think of following the suggestion.

  2. imren bayil reporter

    pc <- pca.xyz(xyz[,sel.ins$xyz]) after this command,I am getting this warning

    Error: cannot allocate vector of size 9.1 Gb

  3. imren bayil reporter

    I got this warning

    pc <- pca.xyz(xyz[, sel.ins$xyz], use.svd=TRUE)
    Warning message:
    In pca.xyz(xyz[, sel.ins$xyz], use.svd = TRUE) : In input xyz (MxN), M < N:
    Only 1015 eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned!

  4. Xinqiu Yao

    The warning is fine. Your number of data points is less than the dimension of the degree of freedom. In PCA, you always get the number of eigenvalues/eigenvectors equal to the smaller number of the two.

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