proportion of variance%

Issue #908 new
Mirfath Mesbahuddin created an issue

The following generates a plot of “proportion of variance% versus eigenvalue rank”. How to out the data of proportion of variance% versus eigenvalue rank as a table? Thanks

#PCA Analysis
pc <-[,ca.inds$xyz])
plot(pc, col=bwr.colors(nrow(xyz)) )

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    All the information is stored in pc, where you can derive and output using, e.g., write.table(). For example,

    L <- pc$L/sum(pc$L)*100 # proportion of variance
    tbl <- cbind(c(1:length(L)), L)
    write.table(tbl, file="XXX.txt", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

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