Slayer Minigame Events

Issue #168 resolved
Former user created an issue

Minigame Events for Slayer - working events that control minigames, similar to onMinigameReset.

OnMinigameKill - Called when a player kills another player. Has special Victim and VictimClient targets. OnMinigameDeath - Called when a player dies. OnMinigameActivate - Called when a player clicks another player. Has special Target and TargetClient targets. OnMinigameDamage - Called when a player is damaged. Has special Victim and VictimClient targets. Doesn't trigger the normal Player and Client targets if the damage was environmental. OnMinigameTalk - Called when a player talks in the minigame. OnMinigameJoin and OnMinigameLeave - Self explanatory.

Another 2 VCE values, <var:mg:winner> and <var:mg:winnernumber>, are given the name of the team/player who's winning, if the game is in progress, or who won, if it ended. If the winner was a single player and not a team, winnernumber is their BL_ID instead.

Comments (2)

  1. Greek2me repo owner
    • removed responsible
    • changed version to 3.7.4
    • marked as bug

    I will probably only fix the events that are broken and add the VCE variables. No new events will be added at this time.

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