Tactical Weapons Sprinting Issue in a Slayer Minigame only

Issue #33 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi, I am Ghille the scripter of the weapons pack Tactical weapons, we have a sprinting system which changes playertype's. In a normal mini game, if the player type is set to no jet player and you switch to the sprinting player by toggling sprint you stay the no jet player. When in a slayer minigame it will switch you back to a jet player, I am not sure if this is a issue to us our towards you, so I decided to send in this bug report. If you need to contact me feel free to email me at Dark55555@ymail.com.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi, I got your PM, due to my status on forums, I cannot reply, but yes it is me.

  2. Greek2me repo owner

    This is a problem with your sprinting system.

    This is the problem part:

    function M16A3RunningImage::onMount(%this,%obj,%slot)
    function M16A3RunningImage::onUnMount(%this,%obj,%slot)
            %client = %obj.client;

    It should be this:

    function M16A3RunningImage::onMount(%this,%obj,%slot)
            %obj.client.player.tacticalWeapons_lastDatablock = %obj.client.player.getDatablock();
    function M16A3RunningImage::onUnMount(%this,%obj,%slot)
            %client = %obj.client;

    You should change this on all your guns.

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