Depleted Alien Tech Cards don't get restocked by discards until the next card is claimed

Issue #53 new
Daniel Johnson created an issue

If players buy a total of 18 (or more) Alien Tech Cards, the Alien Artifact will have less than three available for purchase. This is not the bug.

If a player discards an Alien Tech Card while the Alien Artifact is short, that card remains in the discard pile rather than filling the existing gap. When I encountered this, the gap remained until the next time a player claimed one of the remaining Alien Tech Cards. By then, there were two in the discard pile, and the game fully restocked to three. (I also suspect that the cycle button would have fully restocked the Alien Artifact.)

Comments (1)

  1. Clint Herron repo owner

    Nice catch!

    You're right, I think the Cycle button would have restocked the Alien Artifact.

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