
Issue #6 new
Clint Herron repo owner created an issue

Achievements are awesome! One of the things I'm most looking forward to in an update.

Achievment ideas (feel free to add your own in the issue comments):

  • Built a 6th Ship
  • Built the Relic Ship
  • Rolled 7 Dice
  • Own every die-manipulator tech card
  • Own both victory point tech cards
  • Destroy the Relic Ship by placing a Colony
  • Destroy the Relic Ship by placing the Isolation Field
  • Go up 3, 4, 5, 6, 7+ points in a single turn
  • Win a game
  • Raid twice in a single turn
  • Land 2, 3, 4, 5 colonies in a single turn.
  • Begin a turn (after rolling) with more than 8 resources
  • Win without ever building your 6th, 5th, 4th ship.
  • Use the normal and discard abilities of the same card in a single turn.

Comments (3)

  1. Tim Jordan

    Achievements would be nice but I'd also appreciate some sort of local score/record tracking in games vs. AI. Even better, one that some how incorporates your wins out of attempts vs. the various levels of AIs (i.e. Having an untarnished 20-0 record doesn't mean much if it is only against the Cadet AI).

  2. Daniel Johnson

    Some of the Agenda cards from factions would lend themselves to good achievements.

    I would point out that using both of a card's abilities in a single turn would require using the discard ability, acquiring the other copy via the alien artifact or raiders' outpost, and then using the fuel ability of that one.

  3. Martin Grider

    I agree with Tim that achievements are great, but I want to see the underlying statistics that achievements would require! I'd love a game-log of some kind, (even if it was just a list of games with final scores at the end).

    It's also fairly easy to implement ELO ranking, and adding a GameCenter leaderboard for that number would be a nice way to compare yourself to other players without true multiplayer, IMO.

    I feel bad commenting without some achievement ideas, so here are some:

    • win a game without using the Colonist Hub
    • collect 16 resources on a turn (or some other amount determined to be difficult)
    • win a game against each type of AI (could be an achievement for each, or one for the lot)
    • Win a 4-player game against 3 admirals
    • Win a game with all your Colonists in one Territory
    • Win a game without being the one to finish placing all your colonists
    • Place all three types of field in one turn
    • Have all three types of field on your colonies at once
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