User Bandwith Limit
When i set the user bandwith at 130 kbit/s it only set it at 104 kbits/s
(the maximum supported by mumble client is 134.4 kbits/s)
Comments (7)
repo owner -
Anonymous is correct, the bandwidth slider is broken. For larger values (greater than 96kbit/s) it always puts a lower number into the sqlite database than what the GUI shows. I can work around this by using sqlite to manually put the correct value into the SQLite database but the next time I use YuLLi it will revert back to incorrect values. Some examples:
GUI Says, Value Written to SQLite DB
130kb/s , 104000
120kb/s , 96000
Ok i see now, the GUI value is being multiplied by 800. The value should be multiplied by 1000 since you are not converting bits to bytes. The conversion is kbit/s to bits per second. Ie. a slider value of 130kbit/s should result in 130000 not 104000.
The mumble client's GUI supports up to "124.8kbit/s" and the murmur documentation says it supports up to 130000 bits per second. I think having the slider max out at 130kbit/s is a good call but the value should be multiplied by 1000 not 800 to get the correct value.
Thank you, David
repo owner David, thanks for the detailed correction. The bug fixed in build 864.
repo owner - changed status to resolved
Wow that was quick! :) How often do new versions get compiled so I can grab an updated copy? Much thanks,
P.S. - Nevermind - I just grabbed the corrected build from your website. Thank you again!
Hello, first i thank you for the fix and the app but then... I found this who said that max client bandwith use is 133.6 kbit/s
and then let me show you my screenshot of mumble client (open picture in another tab of window to zoom in)
the mumble client send me this: "Server maximum network bandwidth is only 130 kbit/s. Audio quality auto-adjusted to 91 kbit/s (10 ms)"
you can also see that the bandwith include :voice+overheadUDP+overheadIP+Positionalaudio
So i think you can increase the max bandwith to be sure that audio quality will be not auto-adjusted.
Sorry for my poor english
repo owner Well, I increased max bandwidth value up to 140.
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Hello, could you show a proof that Mumble supports 134.4 kbits/s bandwith?