bloodred moon april 15

Issue #13 invalid
Former user created an issue

Why do you punt several scedules on your site for people in Utrecht and Den Helder and Groningen for seeing the bloodred moon on last april 15? It is know, as you well write in a small sentence that it is unseenable in those places. So it makes no sense at all the put down these diferent scedules. The result in all those places is the same, no bloodred moon to see!!

Comments (1)

  1. Hemel Waarnemen repo owner

    There are people who might not believe that first sentence stating that the lunar eclipse is invisible, and they would want to check for themselves by clicking on that link. Actually, you are one of those people, and I'm surprised to see that you didn't realise this.

    So here's my question for you: why did you click on that link? Either you wanted to make sure that the eclipse is indeed invisible from all locations listed (in which case this is not a bug, but a feature - you're welcome!), or you already knew what you'd find when clicking on that link, so there's no need to click on it or to file a bug report other than trolling. In either case this report can be marked as 'invalid' and closed.

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