Well, how can I download it?

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I click the link to download it, I get this: http://prntscr.com/dzz966

Comments (13)

  1. Hottemax repo owner

    drone.io took down their service. Bitbucket does not allow the provisioning of build artifacts, so I need an external solution again, currently looking at transferring to shippable.com.

    Comments like "the author does not seem to help anyone" are really annoying, as I am not actively maintaining the project at the moment due to work commitments. It's open source, you can simply download and build with maven yourself, or fork it, or do whatever, and improve anything you don't like.

    In summary, I will try to update download links if possible.

  2. Hottemax repo owner

    Temporary solution: Download artifacts from the Downloads folder in the navigation sidebar. No automated build though.

  3. Hottemax repo owner

    Sorry, I have no way of testing it in my OS. What is the command line output when you try to run it? I assume it must be some problem with the set library, and how this dependency is handled in your setup...

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