Some answers

Issue #6 on hold
Guanlong created an issue

I've seen there are some questions in the comments that I can answer: why divided by 2 when applying pips

This are the pips from the artillery in the backrow. Artillery applies half of its defensive pips to the defending unit in front of it. Why day>=12 here originally, only performance?

In my Tests, units weren't removed from the battle in the first 12 days. They keep fighting even with 0 morale. Only when all units are reduced to 0 morale in the first 12 days, the whole army gets stackwiped. (stackwipe wasn't implemented in my tool.) But I admit that this could use another testing ingame to confirm that behavior.

Comments (6)

  1. OceanFlex

    That sounds about right to me, you can't retreat/surrender until 12 days is up, the general can't regroup until 12 days are up. I'm available for a multiplayer in-game test for deployment testing spesific stacks this weekend. Guanlong, does unit strength update after each day is over, or does it wait 3 days for the phase to start before updating?

  2. Hottemax repo owner

    Hi Guanlong!

    First of all, welcome, and thanks for open-sourcing your original code! Second, please don't hesitate to contribute directly to the code via git push! It is hard for me to manually add all the code contrbutors post manually.

    Regarding the artillery pips: I think you mean offensive pips? My understanding is: from the back row they deal half damage, from the front row they deal full damage but take double damage, right?

    Regarding army tradition: I still need to add this as a gui element, before I thought this only affects stats of created generals, but it gives morale bonuses as well. Do you also know by any chance if the morale recovery also occurs during battles, or only after the battle is over?

  3. Guanlong reporter

    I'm not familiar with version control yet, but I'm working on that.

    Artillery is really as I said. You are right with artillery dealing half damage from the back row and receiving double damage if in the front row, but additionally it contributes half of its defensive pips to the units in the front row ( "Artillery helps defend the unit in front of them with half of the artillery's Defensive Shock/Fire." And I suppose it's also helping with its morale pips, at least that's how I implemented it.

    I'm pretty sure that morale recovery doesn't occur during battles.

  4. OceanFlex

    artillary, iirc, add half of their pips to attacking, defending, and moral pips of the regiment in front. The wiki is a bit ambigous about this, saying it deals 50% damage but give half defenceive pips, the math is identical to them simply giving half of all six types of pips to the front line unit.

    Guanlong, is there a reason why the attackAll method in Battle is static?

  5. Hottemax repo owner

    It has been implemented as defensive pip contribution as documented in the wiki. During the attack phase, I did not add it to the front row unit, as the target selection of the artillery might be different from its front row partner (since they are technically different regiments).

    This is all visible in the code, but it should be added to the list of open questions that may be posted in the forum, asking a dev to clear up any of these detailed issues. On hold for now.

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