Beta test - Please help

Issue #8 resolved
Hottemax repo owner created an issue


I have finished the first version of the tool, and if you could help test it for bugs before release, that would be great.

You can either compile it yourself or use the EU4_CombatSimulator.jar in the Downloads folder.

Thanks, Hottemax/MrRisk

Comments (4)

  1. OceanFlex

    the sub-sections for general and regiments are cut off at the bottom. (also, tactics and artilary ability is totally hidden)

    The GUI doesn't open at a good size, a few dozen more pixels tall and it seems better.

  2. OceanFlex
    • Terrain and Tech level need to be more obvious "right click to bring up menu".
    • Clicking on the center of a Regiments (or crossing penalty) menu should open the menu rather than allowing editing of a text box.
    • Maneuver has no effect on River/Straight crossing (I'm only 85% sure that they do in the game)
    • Possibly make it more obvious what bonuses the Attacker has, and make attacker/defender labels more obvious.
    • I would group Tactics more with Tech level, because it can't be effected directly. Honestly, if you're going to show it at all, you might want to consider showing unit shock/fire multipliers.
  3. Hottemax reporter

    Terrain and Tech level need to be more obvious "right click to bring up menu" -> There is a tooltip? Could still be clearer, you are right Clicking on the center of a Regiments (or crossing penalty) menu should open the menu rather than allowing editing of a text box. -> FIXED Maneuver has no effect on River/Straight crossing (I'm only 85% sure that they do in the game) -> FIXED I would group Tactics more with Tech level, because it can't be effected directly. Honestly, if you're going to show it at all, you might want to consider showing unit shock/fire multipliers. -> Made that more obvious, unit pip tooltip added also

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