json_get_as_text() Calls itself json_get() in tests.

Issue #2 resolved
David Wheeler created an issue

json_get() calls itself json_get() in errors:

david=# select json_get('[]', 'foo');
ERROR:  cannot call json_get(fieldname) on a non-object

And so does json_get_as_text():

david=# select json_get_as_text('[]', 'foo');
ERROR:  cannot call json_get(fieldname) on a non-object

Seems like it ought to call itself json_get_as_text(), instead.

Comments (2)

  1. David Wheeler reporter

    Oh, looks like it lists the wrong number of parameters in the error message, too. Should be json_get(json, fieldname), not json_get(fieldname), yes?

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