DataHandler: Replace services by modifier

Issue #2 resolved
Armin Vieweg created an issue

Services for entity records are not flexible enough. Currently:

  • it is not possible to extend a single service by own functionality
  • Services are not able to get extended (like RootPageService extends PageService), properly
  • The split of configuration and execution is not well implemented
  • iwm show does not execute methods _applyService and _applyDataService, but iwm update does

Comments (2)

  1. Armin Vieweg reporter

    Services has been replaced by modifiers now. Modifiers are classes in PHP, which implements some interfaces. These interfaces are used to limit modifiers for matching entity types.

    A modifier for sys_template will fail for a page, e.g. because the properties are not necessarily the same.

    Services are still existing, but with a complete other meaning. They are slots which can be connected with signal "EarlyOperations", called in Environment::apply() method.

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