Enhance description in EXT MGR configuration page

Issue #2 new
Sandro Barbieri created an issue

Actual example of (english) wording of configuration page in EXT MGR:

Show label of "save and close" button basic.showLabelSaveAndClose (boolean)

Show the label of this button. Just the icon will be visible.

If you just read the first sentence 'Show label of.....button' and see that checkbox is checked everything is understandable. But if you read furter, the next sentence 'Show the label of this button' - this gives not more information and in my opinion is superflous. The last sentence then is actually misleading: 'Just the icon will be visible' in context to the other sentences this is a contradiction.

Possible changes:

Just have the text 'Show label of xxxx button'


'Show only icon of xxxx button' (which would be my preferred solution)

Both with no other sentences after the checkbox.

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