Forum edits (topic+comment) should reflect in the displayed age

Issue #6 new
IntelliFactory repo owner created an issue

IntelliFactory created an issue 2015-03-26

If I edit a topic (just now:, its dates are unchanged ("3 weeks ago"), but on the Forum page it jumps to the top ("5 minutes ago").

There is no simple universal solution (keeping history of edits, etc.), but for the short term we should keep a flag to indicate whether a topic or comment has been edited, and 1) show the original date and display it according to that in the listing, but 2) mark it in the topic page with a prefix "Edited" before displaying the age (e.g. "Edited 5 minutes ago").

This way edits don't change the display order, but each entry tells the user when it was last edited (instead of showing when it was filed.)

Comments (2)

  1. IntelliFactory reporter

    Adam Granicz commented on 2015-07-05

    Bumping to higher priority, because editing bringing back older items over recent ones is becoming more and more confusing.

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