RisingCam stuck after canceled exposure

Issue #1200 resolved
Thomome created an issue

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Which Version are you running?,


When I cancel an exposure of the RisingCam IMX571 Color (ATR3CMOS26000KPA), all following exposures will get stuck and timeout after 60 seconds.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Connect to camera
  • Start exposure
  • Cancel exposure
  • Start new exposure

Expected behaviour

Camera should be able to take exposures after an exposure was stopped.

Actual behaviour

When an exposure is stopped, all following exposures will get stuck and timeout after 60 seconds.

Comments (18)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As the only thing that got changed was the SDK update, this should be taken to the vendor. Not much I can do here, when this is most likely an SDK bug.

  2. Michael Ring

    Following the hint in #1202 I have copied the toupcam.dll file from the official touptek sdk and have replaced the original dll from the new sdk. So far the basics seem to work (taking subs, cooling) and I will be out in the cold tomorrow night to see if the issues described in #1201 are gone by using the old dll. Will report back then.

  3. Michael Ring

    I am running 3 Rising Cam cameras now for 5 hours, so far no issue with old library and I have not seen any of the hanging exposures.

    @Isbeon: From what I understand you have a direct contact at ToupTek (that also provided the SDK to you), can you send them bug reports?

    I have also contacted Eddy from RisingCam and have asked for a fix from him.

    Does it make sense/is it possible that you create a temporary instance of ToupTek Camera in a 2nd directory that uses the old DLL?

  4. Karas Yu

    If you have RisingSky, if not ask Eddie for one, you can use that software to open the camera then under the HELP button there is a Diagnose

  5. Michael Ring

    Computer AZW U59, Default string
    OS Windows 11 Pro
    Version 22H2 22621.1105
    CPU Intel(R) Celeron(R) N5095A @ 2.00GHz
    Anzahl der Kerne (Cores) 4
    Anzahl der Threads (Threads) 4
    Speicher (Memory) 8G
    Anzeigen (Display) GDI, 8 Bits
    Software x64
    Version 4.11.21907.20221217
    Geräte Name (Device Name) ATR3CMOS26000KPA
    USB VID/PID 0x0547/0x12b7
    WINUSB Nein (No)
    Kamera ID (Camera Id) TP220316094935111A2859C05647ADF
    Produktionsdatum (Production Date) 20220316
    Revision 0x0001
    Hardware-version (Hardware Version) 3.0
    Firmware-version (Firmware Version)
    FPGA-version (FPGA Version) 3.2
    Sensor CMOS, Rollender Verschluss (Rolling Shutter), Farbe (Color)
    DDR-Framebuffer (DDR Frame Buffer) Ja (Yes)
    Hardware-ISP (Hardware ISP) Nein (No)
    Pixelgröße (Pixel Size) (3.760, 3.760) µm
    Standbild Aufnahme (Still Image Capture) Nein (No)
    Video Breite (Video Width) 6224
    Video Höhe (Video Height) 4168
    Pixel Format RGGB8
    Strategie (Auto Belichtung) Belichtung bevorzugt (Exposure Preferred)
    Maximale Belichtungszeit (Auto Belichtung) 350ms
    Maximale Verstärkung (Auto Belichtung) 500%
    ROI Nein (No)
    Horizontal Spiegeln (Flip Horizontal) Nein (No)
    Vertikal Spiegeln (Flip Vertical) Nein (No)
    Rotieren (Rotate) 0
    Auto Belichtung (Auto Exposure) Nein (No)
    Weißabgleich (White Balance) 0, 0, 0
    Schwarzabgleich (Black Balance) 0, 0, 0
    Histogramm (Histogram) (0, 0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255, 255)
    Farbton (Hue) 0, [-180, 0, 180]
    Sättigung (Saturation) 128, [0, 128, 255]
    Helligkeit (Brightness) 0, [-64, 0, 64]
    Kontrast (Contrast) 0, [-100, 0, 100]
    Gamma 100, [20, 100, 180]
    Frame Speed 2, [0, 2]
    Frequenz (Anti-flicker) (Power Frequency (Anti-flicker)) DC
    Monochrom (Monochrome) Nein (No)
    Digital Binning 1
    Flache Feldkorrektur (Flat Field Correction) Nein (No)
    Dunkel Feldkorrektur (Dark Field Correction) Nein (No)
    Schärfen (Sharpen) 0
    Conversion-Gewinn (Conversion Gain) HCG
    Ventilator (Fan) 1, [0, 1]
    TEC Ja (Yes)
    Zieltemperatur (Target Temperature) 0.0℃
    Temperatur (Temperature) 15.4℃
    TEC Leistung (TEC Power) 24.6%
    Negativfilm (Negative) Nein (No)
    Wenig Lärm (Low Noise) Ja (Yes)
    Belichtungszeit (Exposure Time) 10ms [100µs, 1h]
    Verstärkung (Gain) 1.00
    Empfangene Pakete (Received Packets) 14793
    Einzelbild (Frame) 295
    Bildrate (Frame Rate) 14.0

  6. Michael Ring

    At least for me #1201 is fixed, I never experienced #1200 but they both seem to have the same rootcause. I have had several successfull imaging nights in the last two weeks. Did you receive a new SDK that also came with a new DLL for RisingCam? Curently I leave my camera configured to ToupTek because I know that the fix was provided for Touptek DLL

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