Telescope not tracking. Sync is only available when tracking

Issue #1207 closed
Peter Gottstein created an issue

please help I get this every time I run a sequence. I am using AP mach 2 mount with latest ASCOM driver and version from APCC Pro.

Comments (3)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Well, the error means what it says. A plate solve operation in NINA is trying to sync the solve results to the mount. But this can be done only when the mount is tracking - ie when unparked and with tracking on.

    Looking at the logs (which, by the way are at Debug level which is a bit much for this problem - you may want to reset the logging level to Info) it seems you are starting a sequence but there is no target defined in it. I see that the mount is unparked in the sequence, and tracking is turned on, but it does not seem that the tracking speed is non-zero.

    Can you attach a screenshot of your APCC Park tab, as well as a copy of the NINA sequence file?

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