Sometimes flats stop to download from camera

Issue #1313 open
krz created an issue

I've noticed an issue that I experienced several times. While taking flats, nina takes some xposures like 10-20 and then waits indefinitely. Thats probably because of camera can't download to pc files to fast for flats which are 0.3 sec. Camera is RisingCam IMX571. I see in logs several scheduled download tasks, but no success messages for that tasks. So in the field I have to kill nina. The issue is more prominent if I open imaging tab. That is MiniPc based on J4125

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    please check if the problem persists in the beta version. Also please post a log on INFO level, as a log on TRACE is too verbose for such a broad inspection. In general camera download failures are most of the time usb issues.

  2. krz reporter

    It is verbose on purpose. It is easy to notice that nina queues image download tasks, but there is no success messages for these tasks. No other usb issues noticed.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Could you please specify which log lines you are referring to in detail? If a download task is not followed by a callback, it is likely an SDK issue rather than a Nina issue. Unfortunately, I am not going to review 479,130 log lines - trace logs are there for looking at isolated issues and not full imaging runs.

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