AutoFocus HFR Change field does not update

Issue #1321 invalid
Paul M created an issue

Running a number of autofocuses during a sequence (AF every 60 mins) I noticed that the HFR Change field in the panel in the Imaging tab is not updated. Nor when I select a previous (saved) AF run. Running version 3.1 HF1 (though can’t select that in the big report Version field!)

Comments (6)

  1. Paul M reporter

    Also in the Position field XXX->YYY the XXX is I don’t think changing.

    (If it makes a difference, I am using the HocusFocus plugin).

  2. Paul M reporter

    It works ok without hocus focus - differntly though in that it just reports the current position and HFR in those fields not the old and new. Also using Hocus Focus I wasn’t seeing the HFR reported in the Statistics panel was it was taking the AF exposures (could force that by disabling and re-enabling the auto star detection and analysis).

    TLDR: basic NINA is OK. It is the plugin causing issues. Sorry for the false error report. I shall report on the plugin’s repository issues.

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