Use TaskBarItemInfo for current Sequence Progress

Issue #153 resolved
Stanley Dimant created an issue


To quickly see the current progress of the Sequence the Icon in the Windows Taskbar could represent the current sequence state. With that state you could at a glance see what's going on with your sequence without having to tab into the application.

Improves upon:

  • Quality of Life of the User Experience
  • Sequencing Progress

Implementation hints:

  • ProgressValue displays the current state of the whole CaptureSequence
  • ProgressState can be used to show the current state of the sequence progress.
  • Indeterminate state: doing anything but sequencing (plate solving, meridian flip, autofocus…)
  • Normal state: sequence is running without issues
  • Error: sequence was cancelled because of some external issues
  • Paused: self-explanatory when pausing the sequence
  • Binding should be handled to the VM which handles the current Sequence State and thus can update the current progress of the sequence.


  • None

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