Send CloseShutter to Dome at end of sequence

Issue #206 closed
Yannick Dutertre created an issue

As domes can work as slaves to the telescope, NINA generally doesn’t need to know about the existence of a dome. However the simplest implementation of dome support would be for NINA to send the Ascom CloseShutter command to the dome at the end of the sequence, which would be a low hanging fruit for basic dome support, and what CCDCiel ended up doing.

(from CN user)

Comments (5)

  1. Ron Kramer

    I would like this, but I use “cloudwatcher” to monitor unsafe conditions and it runs a script that instructs the dome to close. (works for now). Last night NINA (stopped capturing, I need to look at the logs yet). Dome stayed open until (dawn (light)). called it unsafe. So 4 hours later closed. The mount continued tracking until it met the meridian than was instructed to park via (APCC).
    Yes minor compared to other NEEDS for NINA at this early stage!

  2. Ron Kramer

    ascom closedome() command would be great. Even a closedome and homedome. So mine would rotate to charging position.
    What I also find needed is before each exposure in a sequence it should check status of the mount. If tracking true - then… continue. If tracking false then end sequence (go to end sequence commands).
    The reason is many of us have custom horizon in our mount software. The mount can (park) or (stop tracking) when the edge of our custom horizon is reached. (OFTEN high in the sky due to our tree line). Then the scope tracks to the tree line it then “Stops tracking”. Yet the sequence can still shoot for several hours.

    I have this a lot, I delete the extra worthless subs, no problem. But the dome doesn’t close because the sequence is still running.
    A simple ASCOM mount tracking status check before exposure of the next sequence event could end the sequence if tracking() false.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Nina will get a dome integration in 1.11. Will close this issue and refer to Issue #87 instead which will cover the dome integration.

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