Add ability to save any image currently displayed in the image tab

Issue #340 closed
Ara Jerahian created an issue


As a user, I would like to be able to save any image currently displayed in the Imaging > Image tab.

Expected Behaviour

In the top button row of the Image tab, to the left of the Zoom + magnifying glass icon, I would like to see a save button which would allow me to save the current image displayed in the image tab.

Comments (4)

  1. Simon Kapadia

    As someone who has previously taken a 300s image but forgot to click ‘save’, I would very much support the addition of such a button.

    It would be great to also have a ‘load’ button next to it so that you can load in an image you have previously saved and e.g. check the statistics to compare them to current images.

  2. Daniel Beetsma

    Upvoted. This feature-request raised my eyebrows: does NINA not save every picture you made by default? That is what I would expect (coming from APT). I’d like to have an option for that as well: auto-save everything you do to disk. I’ll clean up the junk later (move all the serious subs to the NAS, delete the rest). But any shot taken under a clear sky should not be deleted by default - im suprised Nina does that.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    When taking images during a sequence, all sequence images are always saved.

    What is not saved: Images for Platesolving and images for Autofocus.
    The other tool where images are not saved by default is on the imaging tab the manual imaging control. This is intended for manual focus and such, where you can enable saving of the images.

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