Config choices. SHOULD BE RETAINED (after close and re-run of nina)

Issue #366 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

HFR, AUTOstretch, cross hair. - in Image display screen. (once toggled they should retain that).

Under Plate Solving page/tab Again Sync, reslew to target and repeat until should be RETAINED as last toggled.

It’s annoying to look for these and reset them each time it’s loaded and run.

While I’m at it. “Optimal exposure calculator ARROW” should retain last setting. I also have to toggle that on each run of NINA.

Any if I can dream… other settings saved. Under imagine dock window.. exposure, “save” (on/off) for snapshots “RETAINED”

Comments (3)

  1. Aaron Dalton

    The latest nightly has the plate solving switches retained. Not sure about the other issues in this post.

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