Audible Alerts

Issue #483 closed
Jim Waters created an issue

Running 1.10 #73

Can we have audible alerts for…

  • Errors
  • Warnings
  • Imaging Sequence Complete
  • Focusing Sequence Complete
  • ..etc


Comments (6)

  1. John Hester

    The automation in NINA is great. I, too, would like to HEAR an alert for errors that stop the sequence. It needs to be loud enough to wake me up! Thanks!

  2. Assaf Tirangel

    Hard-coded notification sounds can be easily implemented using SystemSounds in each ShowXXXX(..) at Notification.cs.

    Nicer will be to have the option under the “Options” tab to select your own sounds for each type of notification.

    I’m up to the task if it isn’t assigned yet.

  3. Thomas

    Nice idea!

    Wouldn't it be cool if it was also possible to trigger scripts on warnings, errors …?

    At the moment I am using the "external script function" to send push notifications to my iPhone App "Pushcut". e.g. "cooling camera", "unpark scope" "session finished" etc.

    Scripts for warning, errors, or for Meridian flip, Focus changing or Dew warning would be great.

    But at the end I'm very happy with the sequencer. It is a outstanding feature!!!


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