Meridian Flip Failure During Sequence

Issue #624 closed
Jeremy Kozman created an issue

Meridian flips are failing during imaging sequence. Plate solving works fine on it’s own but not when flipping. Used to work perfectly every time before 1.10, now fails every time.

Equipment: NINA 1.10, EQ Mod, Platesolve 2, Windows 8

----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

-------------------Running NINA Version
----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.5----------------------
---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
---------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0----------------
---------------------------Major 6 Minor 3----------------------------
----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

[2020-09-19T03:07:01.9622] [ERROR] [MemberName] DoMeridianFlip
[2020-09-19T03:07:01.9622] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\MeridianFlipVM.cs
[2020-09-19T03:07:01.9622] [ERROR] [Message] Executable not found at NINA.PlateSolving.Solvers.CLISolver.<StartCLI>d__8.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at NINA.PlateSolving.Solvers.CLISolver.<SolveAsyncImpl>d__5.MoveNext()

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Is your blind solver Set Up properly? The Message could redet to the blind solver after the inital solche failed. Furthermore i recommend to increase the platesolve retries and adjust the wait in between. Something Like try 5x in 2 Minute intervals

  2. Jeremy Kozman reporter

    There was a mistake in the blind solver setup. Hopefully that will solve the issue. But I’m still unsure why it’s not able to near solve on the flip.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Steps to prevent the issue: - Setup blind solver - Increase number of attempts in options->platesolving to 5 - Adjust delay between attempts to 2 minutes

    Re-open the issue if the problem persists.

  4. Jeremy Kozman reporter

    I just did some daylight testing of the meridian flip- it looks like a hardware problem with my mount, unfortunately. Should have tried that first. Thanks for your suggestions.

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