DOME feature? Could we please get a nudge slider/command? for slaving adjustment?

Issue #706 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

Sometimes the dome is off a bit or just not centering on the scope and guide scope and I often need to nudge it maybe 1-5 degrees left or right to center up on the scope. I’ve had this option in other software and wondered if we could get a nudge/correction feature added?I might only need once a night, but if I don’t then it’s always shooting the guide scope into the inside slide wall of the dome. it would be a correction off set. (device hub had this and I used it often).

Comments (9)

  1. George Hilios

    Ron, try the Sync button. It’ll set the Azimuth to whatever the calculated value should be from the Dome options + Scope direction.

  2. Ron Kramer reporter

    Ji George - thanks again for your work on this. I don’t see a sync button?
    I wondered if the < xx > would do this but no they turn off dome follows scope and are just override it seems. There is a 0' Slew button


  3. Ron Kramer reporter

    Oh under dome settings allow sync while mount slews? no… that’s not a sync.
    that’s a open to allow sync?

    I’m also having some weird motion. You have the same dome? It will be in position and seemingly randomly will run off about 10' one way or the other then stop and go back to where it was? Has it been perfect for you so far?

    When I do find a sync button. How do you move it to the new “where I’d like it” place? it will want to kick itself back to where it was?

  4. George Hilios

    Ron, what type of Dome do you have? I just realized that the way I implemented this it will only work for drivers that support CanSyncAzimuth. What does your driver report for this in the mini Dome panel from the imaging tab?

    I have a NexDome which doesn’t support this. I could update it to use an offset if syncing the azimuth isn’t supported.

  5. Ron Kramer reporter

    NexDome. I think we talked before you released this in the NexDome FANS users group. Well WE LOVE OUR NEXDOMES is the new group I created since they shut down the original group. I’m running Tim Longs 3.0 I think… maybe 3.1 - I think he’s at 3.3 or 3.4 now. What are you running in yours? I use to be able to sync Az. It use to say I could and did… but that was before I used NINA and not sure what driver I used then. Was also likely poth. Then device hub (ascom) has a slider that I really like. It will slide the dome opening left or right up to I think as much as 10'. What SLAVE settings do you have? I know they will be different, but I’d like to compare. Mine use to track perfectly. But something changed in teh past 6mo and it’s often on the edge of the slit now.
    = (

    I’m Ron Richards on FB and I run the NINA FB group. SAME GUY

  6. Ron Kramer reporter

    I’d still like a nudge, but I solved my problem. I never touch my clutches but they were lose from a months ago scope swap and the mount was slipping. Tracks well again. We also need a “goto home, or find home” in the dome options. Park will send to X degree’s but sending to home aligns the sensor so that the dome is on the charging port.

    Also - need a “unsync” dome in the sequence commands. As I park the mount different from dome and dome is always at the edge park position instead of at home. (UNFOLLOW mount).

    GOTO home in sequencer too. Not just park. Home (parks but aligns with the sensor for charging).

  7. George Hilios

    Hey Ron, you’ve mentioned several things, so let me try and respond to them separately:

    1. Generally, my understanding is that the intent of “Home” is to sync the driver with a sensor and that Park is intended to be the stopping place for the Dome where you might have a charger. I’ve personally configured my dome so that Home is 0 and Park is where the charger is. This is why I don’t believe going to Home is useful as a command on its own
    2. There is already a sequence command to disable dome synchronization (or following, or forget which term I used)
    3. I have a Dome option for finding home before parking. What option are you asking for?
    4. I need to think about nudge, but I think it would be better to ask Nexdome to support Sync. The ASCOM specification support this, and I’ve already added support for it. If the driver supports CanSyncAzimuth, then NINA gives a Sync button that sets the dome azimuth to whatever it calculates based on the scope settings + position

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