Advanced Sequncer: Estimated Runtime

Issue #707 resolved
Ruediger created an issue

Hello Stefan,

probably I have only missed it and overseen, but when using the Advanced Sequencer (AS), you nowhere see the estimated runtime or finishing time. For doing this planning you have to switchback to the old one, which is not possible after you have edited your sequence in the AS.

Maybe it is possible show somewhere the runtime table?

Thank you!

Comments (9)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The dynamic approach for the new sequencer it makes predictions of times either hard or impossible depending on the setup. (e.g. a safety monitor switches to unsafe - then the sequence will just quit and any prediction is useless)

    If you want to plan for a specific runtime in sequencer2 you should use things like a time condition instead to stop a sequence when you want it to end and not when a rough estimate is.

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan, thanks for the quick reply. 👍

    I get your point, but actually it is quite predictable within some limits. The error margin is quite little - at least for my setup. All steps are very constant and predictable except an AF injection caused by HFR change or other interruption triggers, but they cannot planned anyway. An accuracy withinn 10-15 Minutes would be sufficient.

    The time triggers have a disadvantage: If I want to plan an equal distributed amount of subs per filter for an target in the list, you have to know the target's and the complete estimated runtime to plan it properly. Also when optimizing the night’s plan to finish right before dawn.

    Maybe a semi automatic solution can help, where you can add expected runtimes to the instructions and the sequencer multiplies and summarizes it. Better than using a pencil and paper as now. But if this to special I can also create an Excel and simulate the old sequencer. This is no problem, just more planning required.


  3. Stefan B repo owner

    You can also add conditions to loop for a timespan instead of a time. So you plan to image for 6 hours and want to equal distribute ha, oiii and sii then you just make three instruction sets with a loop for timespan condition of 2hours

  4. Ruediger reporter

    ok, this was a good hint. This may work, if you have parfocal filters and using a reflector. I usually have an AF run on filter change. Therefor a vertical plan has some serious disadvantage e.g. for a 3x15 RGB sequence the AF runs increase from 3 to 15, when you assume 3 exposures per filter. At this point I have some doubts.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    i’m not talking about iterating filters each time, but rather something like this which will take exposures for 2 hours then switches to next filter etc.

  6. Ruediger reporter

    Got it. I will check that out. Still need some time to get used to to the new approaches in AS.

    Many thanks.

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