Flip - Pause after Meridian pass

Issue #712 closed
Albert Miethaner created an issue

Sorry for creating a ticket here.

I need the ability (like in apt) to set a pause time after Meridian pass. My setting in apt is pause 5 min before und 15 after Meridian. So the flip works fine.

In Nina I set up pause 5 min before and flip and max to 0 min

But in the most cases the flip don't work. My mount eq6r don't flip to the other side and the flip shows me an error.

In apt I set earlyer 5 before and 5 min after with the same problem.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    your description is not clear enough to me.

    What exactly are the settings for:
    ”Minutes After Meridian”
    ”Max Minutes After Meridian”
    ”Pause before Meridian (minutes)”

    Personally I am also using an eq6r and what works perfectly for me everytime are the following settings:
    ”Minutes After Meridian”: 5
    ”Max Minutes After Meridian” : 15
    ”Pause before Meridian (minutes)” : 0

    Keep in mind that “Minutes After Meridian” set to 0 will most likely not work.

  2. Albert Miethaner reporter

    Thanks for replying. I think I missunderstand some settings.

    I would test it by the next CS and went then back here.

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