Add pre-sequence warnings when starting a sequence

#174 · Created  · Last updated


What is the purpose of this Pull Request?

A pre-sequence checklist has been added, with a message detailing potential sources of issues when starting a sequence:

  • Camera can cool, but cooler is not enabled

  • Camera temperature and target temperature are far apart

  • Camera cooler is at high power

  • Dithering or Start Guiding is enabled in one of the sequence items, yet guider is not connected

  • Autofocus is enabled yet focuser is not connected

  • Slew to target is enabled yet telescope is not connected

This gives the option for the user to ignore the warnings, or cancel starting the sequence.

Additionally, the Sequence Start button is not enabled if Imaging is in a capture loop.

How were the changes tested?


All the various combinations were tested using simulators only.

Are there relevant Issues in the tracker that this PR will fix?





Put is as an improvement, but is almost an unintended new feature, as can be a life saver to avoid mistakes on sequence start in the end.

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