Complete dome integration - Manual Control, Telescope Following, and Sequence integration

#599 · Created  · Last updated


What is the purpose of this Pull Request?

This is the rest of Dome integration. This part introduces manual Dome control as well as telescope following.

  1. Manual rotation, which continues for the duration of the mouse click (similar to telescope slew UI behavior)

  2. Manual shutter control (open/close)

  3. Park and Set Park

  4. Manual slew to azimuth

  5. Toggle between direct following (NINA-controlled) and driver controlled (if supported)

  6. Measurement settings with Dome synchronization calculations

  7. Sequence integration

  8. Adding a wait for plate solving for telescope and dome slewing to complete

The following geometry math is derived from ASCOM Device Hub, but modified based on mathematical errors verified by unit tests.

How were the changes tested?

Simulator with ASCOM Device Hub as comparison

Are there relevant Issues in the tracker that this PR will fix?




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