decouple focuser chooser

#601 · Created  · Last updated


What is the purpose of this Pull Request?

  • de-couple FocuserChooserVM from FocuserVM

  • add unit tests for FocuserVM

  • re-work some stuff to get unit tests from 20 seconds to 9 seconds

  • simplify some complex unit tests and move to fluent assertions

  • changed DeviceUpdateTimer to not wait 100ms when the task is already complete

  • changed Utility.Wait to not wait 100ms if there is no wait time specified - will speed up unit tests

Both timing changes look like the right thing to to, but please have an extra look there. Thank you!

How were the changes tested?

  • added unit test

  • all existing tests that passed still pass

  • focuser simulator in NINA

Are there relevant Issues in the tracker that this PR will fix?



The DeviceUpdateTimer change makes unit tests a lot faster, but if there is a reason why this was a do while instead of a while… - could you double check this please?

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