ParticleEmitterNode creating unneeded "test stuff" on production

Issue #176 resolved
NemesisMate created an issue

I've seen that the ParticleEmitterNode has some test instantiations/initializations. Those shouldn't be happening if the already existing boolean testParticles and boolean testEmitter fields are false. When a particle is being spawn all these tests parameters are being instantiated and initialized without really being used:

  • emitterShapeTestGeometry
  • emitterTestNode
  • particleTestGeometry
  • particleTestNode
  • testMat

In my opinion this is a total waste of resources.

Comments (8)

  1. Aliaksandr Brui repo owner

    Can you test the last develop version of the library? if it works good, I will make a release.

  2. NemesisMate reporter

    I've already did that, multiple times. I've tried too with:

    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
  3. NemesisMate reporter

    Ok, tried and working. However, wouldn't it be better to create a "test control" that can be attached to the emitter when testing is desired?, this way the test-code would be completely separated from the emitter code (which wouldn't have any test-code reference at all, being much cleaner)

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