Care about editor size/weight

Issue #182 new
NemesisMate created an issue

Caring about the size of any tool is an important aspect that is generally forgotten. The editor is weighting more and more and each time it gets more time to download. When an application like this is too weighted, people tends to stay with an older version (it is not the same to download 40MB that downloading 1G). The "lightweight feeling" is also important, and the available assets options too (too many can overwhelm some people and give it more a "heavyweight feeling"). So, because of one reason or the other, I would suggest to let the essential in the editor and give the non-essential as plug-ins/packs (eg: let one or two hdr images and give the rest in a asset-pack)

Comments (1)

  1. Aliaksandr Brui repo owner

    @NemesisMate now the build without embedded JRE weighs < 200mb, I think it isn't too big, but I will try to prevent size more than 200mb :)

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