Shortcats and functionality for them

Issue #74 new
Stephan Koppel created an issue

Need to add: Shortcut for translating models (G-grab) Scale (S) Rotate (r)

  • R G S controlls with x y z axis like blender. Press G then X and you have free transform alng x axis.

Multiple select (shift) Set values on "fly" (like in blender we can grab any control handle and type some value. This value adds to existing blender object data. So that artist dont have to do math with values if he need to totate something for 20 degrees on Y axis) Move selected object to layer (in blender shortcut M ) Make link/set parent (ctrl+p) Duplicate selected (shift+d) Duplicate linked (for making instance mesh)(alt+d) instancing is cheap method to reduse memory usage and improve performance. Instances are used for rocks, trees, grass etc.

Additional functionality for shortcuts: Need to add free transform/rotate/scale option (so that we can take model and move it/rotatr/scale without a need to grab controll points)

Select models in viewport + box select

Scale objecs with taking in account average midpoint.

Scale objects to selected one.

Add simple constraints to empty objects. E.g. we add constraient object in scene and link some objects to this empty so that when we translate empty all linked data follows this empty

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